4th Annual Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders
Join us at the 4th Annual Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders conference, which will be held as a virtual event from February 22-25, 2021. AskBio’s Dr. David Favre will present “Immunotherapeutic Interventions” on Feb. 25 at 1:30pm ET.
David Favre, PhD, VP Translational Medicine, AskBio
Immunotherapeutic Interventions
Thursday, Feb. 25 (Discussion Day)
1:30pm ET
- Pre-existing vs. naïve anti-AAV immunity require different targeted interventions
- B-cell and antibody depletion are key for pre-existing immunity but may not be sufficient
- In naïve subjects: conditioning regimen and B/T -cell mediated immune tolerance induction
- Advanced immune monitoring strategies and experimental medicine trials are key for progressing immunotherapeutic interventions in patient populations